I returned to work this past week and boy was it an adjustment. On Monday I was a complete wreck - my hands were shaking and I kept tearing up..it took everything I had to hold back the downpour of tears. But fortunately, I have awesome coworkers who made it a bit easier to come back to work. I think it is SO wrong that they make you go back to work right when your baby is starting to coo a lot, stays awake a lot during the day, and smiles a lot. Katie is doing great at sleeping through the night. We have her on a feeding schedule about every 3 1/2 to 4 hrs, starting around 630ish in the morning. After work I get to feed her before she goes to sleep ( 945pm) and she sleeps until 630ish. So I am definitely not complaining..but I do still wake up in the middle of the night to pump. My goal is 6 months of breast feeding - longer if I can. I am still having a hard time adjusting to having 2 kids. Its like I had a second kid and lost my brain along the way. I can never remember what I was supposed to be doing - I know writing it down would help..but I never seem to have a pen on hand and so I forget to write stuff down later on in the day. I have gone upstairs more times than I'd like to admit and spend 5 mins thinking what I was supposed to be doing or getting. And when I talk..the words are coming out right and when I am writing stuff..I am having a harder time spelling words ( and this is coming from someone who won 3rd place at a spelling bee!) I sure hope this is going to pass. Carson was so excited to get a suprise visit from Pou Pou and Paw Paw.

Carson and his Pou Pou
He didnt want them to leave, when Chad was getting carson for his bath he went to his Pou Pou and held up his hand and said no bye bye ok. It was so cute. Carson can be such a handful, but the things he comes up with is just so cute. He loves to watch his Aunt Trina do her exercise video everyday. He sees that the women has shorts and sports bras on and when trina is exercising he tries to get trina to take her shirt off so it can look like she has a sports bra and shorts on too. He also loves to dance and listen to music. He watches Toots and Poodles every morning and in a certain spot of the show the characters will start to dance, Carson will get so excited and tell me to "dance mommy!" Carson is still being a great big brother...he will go get Katie's pacifier when she cries and its so cute when he says " its ok baby...dont cry."
Best Big Brother ever!!
We went to the fairpark aquarium 2 weekends ago, Carson loved watching the stingrays and all the other neat aquatic animals.
Wow Mommy...what is that??!!
Daddy and Carson mesmerized by the turtle
Forget the turtle...someone help Aunt Trina!!
Its been 2 weeks since halloween and carson is still asking to go trick or treating again. He is STILL picking nerds out of the carpet. :P I cant believe thanksgiving is next week. Boy how time flies!