Well this weekend was packed with fun activities!!! Carson went to his first circus ever and he was in heaven...his aunt christine bought him one of those lights that spin around, he got to eat lots of cotton candy and he got to see tigers and elephants and lots of clowns!!
Ohhh...Cotton candy, his Favorite!!
He seemed to really be getting into the whole thing..he would clap his hands and dance when the music came on. it was so cute! Chad had fun too...he thought he had never been to the circus, but his mother informed me he just forgot. But chad and carson had an enjoyable time as did christine and myself.
loving every minute of it!!
Today we went to hawaiian falls...we met up with the szeto family and eric and his mother and nieces and nephews came out there as well. It was really fun and relaxing. Carson loves loves loves the water, he slid down the slides by himself and you could just see he was so content!

here we gooooooo!!!!

Sunny day..everything's A-Ok!!!
We got there when it opened and I rushed to find shade...thank goodness I did. It was 105 degrees. although it didnt feel that hot at all. the wind was blowing slightly which was a nice change. carson and i left around 2 pm...we passed out in the car within 5 minutes. Chad and his brother and eric's family stayed a little longer. I cant believe that I actually went out in public in my bathing suit when I only have 2 more weeks left to go. Yep...no pictures though! :P
But I just want to spend as much time as I can with carson and chad before Kate gets here. Carson is doing really well with going to the potty...he actually told chad he needed to go during the circus and earlier in the week I went upstairs to get his clothes for school and when I came back down he had taken off his shorts and diaper and had gone all by himself. Hopefully we can get him totally potty trained while my mom is here after I deliver the baby!
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