seems like time has been passing by so quickly, Its hard to think that Katie will be 2 weeks old on sunday, and I will be another year older on sunday as well...33- wow, I cant believe it! Katie looks like she has been growing so fast, she looks so tall and her little face is getting rounder. Last night she kept us up all night, hopefully she will sleep well tonight. Mom has been keeping carson busy or shall I say that Carson has been keeping mom busy!!! My mom has been trying to potty train carson while she is here...and today was the first time that Carson poo pooed in the potty all by himself! WOW what an accomplishment...what can I say, its the little things that get us excited!! Carson is still loving on Katie, he kisses her head, eyes, mouth and little feet, its so cute to watch! He wants to hold her all the time.

Loving on baby Katie!!
Carson started gymboree while he is out of school for a month - he went with christine and my mom and they said he loved it!! He is FEARLESS!!! He has been enjoying walks with his grandma!! (by the mom has officially changed her name from pou pou to grandma!!)
Playing with his Aunt Christine!
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