As big of a musical fan as I am...I was so excited when Thomas the train musical came to town. I won 4 tickets to see it and couldnt wait!! Chad had tried taking carson to the movies a few weeks ago which turned out to be a disaster, but I had high hopes for the musical. And sure enough..he did an awesome job!! 90 minutes long and no emotional breakdown!! In fact, he was clapping and singing and smiling so big! Awww...mission accomplished! Hopefully, he will love to watch musicals as much as his mommy does!!

Carson with his favorite..cotton candy!!
Chad and I volunteered with make a wish foundation, for the Wish Night gala. This is my second year volunteering and Chad's first.
Its always such an emotional night - listening to the kids stories and all of their wishes. It makes me want to get back on one of things on my bucketlist..which is to start a non profit organization!
While we were at Wish night...Carson and Katie stayed the night with their nin nin. Carson spent the night once before, but this was Katie's first night. Supposedly, they did well!
We went to pick the kids up early, a few weeks ago, when I had signed up for a membership at the museum of nature and science I saw they had a special event for members for Sid the Science today was the day to see SID!! Carson was so excited, he made me keep the flier on the fridge all this time! Although he was still a little sleepy from the previous night..he had a blast seeing sid (actually he was a little scared), but he had a blast getting his face painted and playing in the childrens museum again. as did katie!!

running away from sid

Look who loves to learn!!
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