Well...fall has arrived!! We have gone to pumpkin patches, to the state fair..yummy, and tonight we went trick or treating!

Such a happy camper!
This was Katie's first halloween where she could actually go up with the bigger kids! And I have to say that I think this will end up being Katie's favorite holiday as well. The kids had a blast..we have dressed up so many times..carson has been a fire fighter, a ninja and a cowboy riding a pony. and katie has been alice in wonderland, a lion and dora the explorer!! Carson had a great time at his school halloween party too...he was "running with the bulls".

me amore!!
Katie has been getting into everything..and getting very vocal. She wants EVERYTHING that Carson has. She still has a hearty appetite..I sure hope she doesnt get much heavier soon...my back is killing me! We had a halloween dress up family dinner yesterday..it was a lot of fun. Chad was popeye and I was olive oyl.

Katie understands everything that I say..I am just wondering when she is going to start talking. Oh..we bought a mini van this past friday..it is really roomy. I cant wait to see how it is on road trips! ANd we decided to remodel the kitchen..gosh, it is soo tiring to do all the planning. But I am so excited to finally get a nice kitchen!!

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