Well, another eventful weekend!! This past week chad and I celebrated our 4th year of marriage. I bought him tickets to see the musical wicked which we saw on saturday and it was SO good. Chad also took me to my favorite restaurant- the melting pot for dinner. And on top of it all- christine and eric babysat carson so we could enjoy the night out. How awesome is that. After the musical, chad and i were already pooped- it was definitely passed our bedtime! I dont know how we stayed out so late in the good ole days before kids.
well, we did have to wake up extra early for our garage sale where we ended up making $162- not bad for stuff we didnt want.
carson the movie star in his diva glasses!!
Chad woke up early today on fathers day to go for a 50 mile bike ride. Too bad the cannondale bib that carson bought him didnt come in on time for him to use it today. Then we went to Diana's house to hang out and to go swimming. It was the first time I got in the pool this summer and awww was it refreshing. We ran out of swimming diapers so I stuck a regular diaper on carson- boy can that diaper hold a lot of water...he could barely walk with all the extra weight that I decided to take it off!! But carson loves loves loves the water...too bad i cant stay out in the sun long enough for him!
having fun with mommy
carson could barely drink the soda because the floaties kept getting in the way!
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