Shogun in Shreveport!!
He was amazed by it all. He was on his best behavior! Mom and dad watched carson all day saturday, chad and I went to see the movie grown ups, went to the casino (lost all our money), went shopping at the boardwalk and then went back to eat at the casino. We were home by crazy is that?!! it was past our bedtime!!
carson with his paw paw!!! he loves him so much!
carson got to see his aunt heather and played with her for a little bit.
Carson vandalizing the elementary school with chalk
spending time with his aunt heather
Carson did well on the trip..sleeping most of the time. That will be the last trip to shreveport with just the 3 of time Katie will be with us as well. Its hard to believe! I cant believe I have only 7 more weeks to go. The house is still a wreck, I have no where to put my stuff and I dont even want to start straightening the pantry!! That could take forever. On another note, Carson is doing so well with the potty. Today he told me he needed to potty and he took off his pants and diaper and used the big boy potty!! I couldnt believe it, he is sooo close. He is getting so big so fast. he still is having a problem staying asleep in his bed, he is still getting up and sleeping on the floor right by the door. Carson has also been sucking his thumb a lot, I think I might have to put that stuff on his thumb to make him stop soon. Hope it works.