What an eventful weekend it was... Jimmy received first communion - can I get a hallalejua! I am so proud of uncle rodney for following through with all the classes and pushing little jimmy!
It was so funny, when jimmy was going up to receive first communion and drink the wine, he asked the lady that was holding the wine...Do I have to drink all of it?! lol. How cute is that.
We also celebrated Jayson's birthday -he turned one! He had lots of party guests and had a lot of fun! Stephanie did a great job putting it all together.
We went to the metromom event this morning - it was a lot of fun. we went to this venue called going bonkers. It had tons of climbing things for carson...Chad went up with carson and towards the end of the event - chad was exhausted. Carson was pooped out as well but had a wonderful time. Carson won the tot obstacle course and Chad won the dad a thon where he had to change a baby dolls diaper with one hand behind his back, drink 2 oz of water from a bottle and then remove the diaper and place it on a plate. He did great!!!
As for me..it was no contest for the hula hoop contest- with this big bump in front of me..I did good for lasting a minute!! But it was fun none the less.

Afterwards, Carson decided he wanted to try out his new birthday present that the wang family gave him...a cool swimming playarea!! He LOVED it!!!
love that pool!! so much fun!