A brand new bunk bed for a big boy!!!!
After much thought and "talking"....chad and I decided it was time to get carson a new bed. I wanted to get him a full size bed- chad wanted to get him a twin size bed. In the end he got a bunk bed. But for right now we are using the top bunk for carson since it has the side rails already attached. Once he learns how not to move around so much then he will get an additional bunk bed put on.

Carson was so excited to be getting a new bed. He was even more excited to be able to help daddy put it together.

Carson helping dad carry the heavy mattress upstairs!
Daddy and Carson with their tools!! Carson was a big helper!!!
After 2 hours of hard work, Carson successfully took his afternoon nap in his BRAND NEW BED!!!
All pooped out!!!
However, right now its 9pm when carson's normal bedtime is 7:30pm. He is still wide awake and crying that he doesnt want to sleep in his bed. Boy does Chad have his work cut out for him this week to train carson to sleep in his bed without getting up!
After Carson's nap, we went to visit nin-nin for Papa D's birthday! I made a carrot cake for him and it was delicious and moist!!! Carson was swimming the whole time we were there. He loved the water and was fearless on the water slide! He had a blast!!
Carson swimming with Titi
And to top the day off...his auntie Christine came over to visit and he had fun chasing her around the house and dancing the night away!