SO, Carson went to his first day of Montessori... it was a BIG adjustment for not only him but for all of us. I teared up when I was leaving...carson was crying for me but I knew he would be ok. Chad said that when he was picking carson up at 11:30am he had just finished lunch and they were trying to put him to sleep...but Carson had OTHER plans...he was screaming his head off. I was so down all day today. Carson took his flu shot today...chad said that the nurse gave it to him in his leg and he didnt even make a noise. How brave is that!!! Carson is really starting to make a lot of sounds and speak in "babytalk". I have a feeling that he's going to be talking soon! I cant believe he is 18 months already...where does the time go? It seems like just a few months ago I was breastfeeding him and Now he is going to school??! He is so independent and fearless.... hopefully that will play to his favor!
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