So, we went to visit Trina in California and we went to Disneyland. Carson and Chad had a blast..it was hard to tell who of the two was having more fun. Carson rode all the rides, but his favorite one was the dumbo ride. He did really well while we were there with keeping with his schedule and he did OK on the plane ride although it was definitely a stressful ride for chad and I. Carson kept wanting to walk in front of our chair so he accidentally hit the chairs in front of us a few times...boy did we get some glares. Carson met Owen in california and they got along well,besides carson taking a BIG bite out of Owen's back. Poor guy!
We made it to Santa Barbara beach and farmers market. Carson got to play in the sand and ride the pony. He had a GREAT day! Carson is getting very independent and stubborn. He wont let us help him with anything and he is FEARLESS. The swine flu is going around pretty quickly...I have been washing Carson's hands all the time when we go out. Hopefully Carson wont catch it...but I am keeping my fingers crossed.
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