Wow...a week has already passed us by..I cant believe its going to be the 4th of july next week. This year is going by soo fast. This past friday, I went to a banquet where thr gave me a check for $2000 to donate to my charity of my choice..which I chose to give to My friends house here in plano. It was a lot of fun, but we had to slip out before it ended. I went to the red cross training for disasters, I think its time that I get back involved with the red cross. Katie is moving sooo fast, she zooms up the stairs and she loves dancing to music. She has the cutest laugh ever!! Carson is so protective over katie when we go out. He is always loving on her and doesnt want anyone else around her. She is very observant, she will watch carson do something and next thing you know..she is copying what he was doing. One thing she does as well as carson is eat!! This kids are going to eat me out of a house when they get bigger! I love my family! they are so awesome!!! Carson found my different props for my photobooth that I had set up for a birthday. He loves the glasses..hopefully he wont inherit my bad eyesight!!

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