The Kolb Family
It always feels like a mini getaway when we go...who would have thought that the arboreteum would be smack in the middle of dallas! And of course, the whole idea of a picnic is so relaxing! The tulips were definitely in bloom. We were lucky and had the pleasure of Aunt Trina and Aunt Stephanie and Jayson coming with us to the arboreteum. Boy will we miss Trina when she leaves in a few weeks. Its hard to believe that she has been here for 6 months!

The Girls!
Carson is so good with Katie...and boy am I glad. Carson and Katie have gotten to the age where I can put them down and they will play next to each other. Or at least Carson will play with her and keep her occupied for a while.

Having a great time together!!
And she gets so happy and excited to get to be around her big brother. I sure hope things stay that way.

Who could say no to this face!!
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