Sunday is superbowl...we went to the NFL experience yesterday and got to see the Lombardi trophy. Of course it was at a distance...but still it was really neat to see what it was all about.
The superbowl is going to be in arlington!
We also went to the Heard Museum and saw the dinosaurs
He has NOOO idea what he's about to see
. Carson didnt know that the dinosaurs moved and made the first dinosaur scared him so much that he jumped. It was pretty funny. After that, he was excited to see all the different dinosaurs!
We arent afraid of dinosaurs!!
Carson tripped and fell down at school today, he got a big fat lip. hurts!! :(
He is SOO like his daddy and playing the poor helpless pitiful. He even has the face expressions down. I feel soo sorry for his future wife. :P Katie is getting so big. She rolled over from her back to her stomach and likes to push herself up on her hands. She is doing really well sleeping at night in her own room. We started feeding her cereal both morning and night and I think that helps her a lot. She is starting to stay awake a lot more during the mornings with me. And she loves to smile and laugh. She LOVES her brother! When she sees him in the mornings, she always gives him a big smile. And carson gives her a kiss and a hug. Its really sweet!