Well, today was my first attempt to go anywhere by myself with the two kiddos...and I would have to say that I was unsuccessful! I was so excited to be able to try out my new double stroller...dang that thing is heavy!! Anyways, made it to the mall and as soon as I stepped into the mall, the first thing that Carson says is...Eat, I want to eat!! Thinking that food would keep him occupied for a bit, I went and got him something. Occupied him for 15 min and then he was all about trying to get out of the stroller. Argghh...so, that was it for the mall and came straight home. Got nervous because about 5 min from the house carson tells me he needs to pee pee...of course I hit the red lights!!! But Carson was a big boy and waited till we got the house to use the restroom. Carson, Chad and I ate lunch together and then we put him down for his nap. 2 hours later I am suprised by chad opening Carson's door to his room and chad saying..OH GOD!!! I rush to the scene and the urge to vomit hit me ! He had taken off his diaper and there was a line of poop all the way from his bed to his door along with a chair he had pulled up to his drawers which held his wipes...being my clean freak boy, he at least wiped himself.
Oh God!!! What is that??!!!

yep...it is what you think it is!!!
So there was poop and wipes everywhere with a disgusting odor.
Trail of Wipes....
But boy, when carson came out of the room he was smiling ear to ear because he didnt poop in his pants! Oh goodness... what can I say. So I included some pics...I know its disgusting but wanted you to get the full effect!!