Today was my first friday off!! I was so glad to be able to spend it with Carson! Today we went to the arboreteum to listen to a speaker talk about the new phil and ted products.... It's pretty neat. The strollers are outrageous and they have a thing called the me too that connects to the table and acts like a high chair. Carson really liked the chair...AND to make things better...they GAVE us one!!! Some of the mothers were commenting about how good carson was...it kinda funny...that thats what they considered GOOD! lol. Afterwards Carson and I were able to walk around the arboreteum and have a good time. He kept pointing to trees and saying "tree" and He kept running away from me and thought it was so funny!
" Yes Carson...its a TREE"!!!

Carson running away from me and laughing!
IT was so hot today...his little cheeks turned all red and he was downing his milk!
Carson went to the wiggly play center hula party with his cousin brigette....he had a great time!
He loved watching the girls hula dance and loved riding in his little push car...he even rode on the roller coaster with his cousin!!!
Brigette & Mommy
Brigette teaching Carson how to dance!
It's time to go! Beep Beep
1st roller coaster ride!