We went to shreveport for christmas this year... Carson and Katie had a blast! Carson is old enough to be really happy when he opens presents. His first present he opened just happened to be dress up costumes like police, chef and a knight and he was SO excited..he kept saying, I got costumes..I got costumes!!

family portrait for christmas 2011

cousins club!!
ANd he thinks that Santa claus only comes to visit him at pou pou's house. He had so much playing with pou pou and papa and all his little cousins!! There are so many kids to play with. The kids got SOOO many toys it was crazy. IT filled up half of the van. They loved it.

4 am and Carson was still kicking it!!
We are redoing the kitchen so have been without a sink, stove or microwave for the past week. Man has it been challenging!! We went to the heard museum yesterday to see the dinosaurs and it was such a beautiful day, who would have thought that it would be in the 70's! Carson loved watching the dinosaurs and Katie was really intrigued with the leaves and rocks. It reminded me of hansel and gretel..she was collecting everything so she could leave a trail!!

Roar!!! riding the dinosaurs at heard museum
Well..its the new year...I am going to get rid of all the candy in the house- and go cold turkey with the kids. they need to eat healthier, and its so easy to eat all the sweets!! we will see how that goes. Well, katie has been waking up at 430 every morning for the past month and half...chad keeps giving her milk and thus the cycle begins. Going to try to give her the pacifier and try to go self soothe back to sleep.