View from our house

Building sand castles with Papa
We celebrated Katie's birthday...a princess in pearls party. We celebrated twice..once in hawaii and once in plano. we had a swimming party at Nin-Nin's house and I rented a bounce house. Katie had no clue what was going on! Katie is growing up so quickly. she started on whole milk and she eats EVERYTHING in sight.

Katie turning 1
Carson is such a good brother, he helps to take care of her! Just today he told me that he was going to potty train Katie..whew...what a relief for me, one less thing I have to do! :P
Carson and Katie's Nin-nin got remarried...wow..we partied so much that weekend. And it was nice to get to play with all the other grandkids!

Best brother and sister ever!
Its halloween coming up soon...mommy keeps changing her mind on what she wants us to be for halloween..but I bet it will be cute regardless. We went to the arboreteum to see all the pumpkins, wow...there were SO many. We had a great time just walking around.