Carson had a great time at home with the family. He was chasing them around like he was a big kid! He is so fortunate to have so much family especially one that loves him so much.
Merry Christmas One and All!!!
The visit to Shreveport was a very short one, but a great one! All the kids are getting so big so quickly!
the cousins club!!
Carson stayed up till 4am opening gifts! He got the hang of it pretty quickly!

Carson in his cars suitcase!! he is ready for packing!
Our house looks like a disaster zone with all the toys everywhere. He especially loves his leapfrog tag jr books and his zhu zhu hamster which totally scares bruiser to death! Bruiser tore up one of carson's stuffed animals he got for christmas and he was trying to stick bruiser in timeout. it was a cute site. We had a few people over for new years, carson loved hanging out with his friend matthew and especially loved jumping on the air mattress with him and chasing him around the house. The next morning he was looking all over the place for matthew. However, the new year did not start off exactly how we would have liked..I came down with Bells Palsy on the 2nd so have been battling with that for the past few days. Nothing can compare to carsons hugs and him trying to wipe my tears away.It was one of those mommy son moments that I will never forget!
Mommy and her men!!!
Carson has been trying to talk a lot more lately, I can pick up words every now and then but sometimes he looks like he is so excited about what he is saying that I hate to interrupt him. He keeps getting colds, I think its from his school because all the kids were sick with runny noses. We are starting to get him used to the potty...hopefully he will pick up quickly, but being a new mom..Im clueless on the process. Its been a great 2009, hopefully it will be a better 2010! Happy New year!