Oh gosh, I cant believe that christmas is this friday! Wow, how did this year pass us by so quickly! I cant believe Carson is starting a new year with us! It has been SO busy and I have been literally exhausted trying to get the presents wrapped and preventing carson from opening them!! Carson helped daddy decorate the tree...sometimes he will go over there in the room and sit on the couch and just look at the christmas lights on the tree. Its pretty cute! I started giving carson his christmas presents little by little a few days ago so he could appreciate them a little bit more, I am sure he is going to have a ton of toys for christmas! We went to the gaylord to see the ice exhibit. It was nice,but Carson wasnt all into it and he certainly hated the parkas that we had to wear! Yesterday we went to see the trains at Northpark Mall...he really liked those. He was running around like a madman chasing the trains! Carson cant wait to see everyone for christmas!! we are going home on wednesday night!! That's the best christmas present ever...family!!