Saturday, August 18, 2012 time flies

                                               Happy birthday Katie!!!

Yes, its true...I now have a 2 year old on my hands!! Where in the world did the time go?? These past 2 years have flown by. But its kind of strange because katie seems so much older than 2... she is very independent and stubborn (lol..kind of like someone I know...ME!) The way Katie and Carson interacts is so cute!! Carson is really sweet to her sometimes..always singing her favorite songs..i mean.. one liner songs!! lol..The barney - I love you you love me song and the wheels on the bus go round and round!! Katie seems to be adjusting to daycare adequately- she still cries a lot when I drop her off  - which just breaks my little heart! And i have to admit I am just a tad bit jealous of when Chad picks her up from school because she just calls out his name and runs to him- and jumps in his arms..and she will knock down anyone who gets in her way! Carson loves the new daycare, however he will be transitioning into prekindergarten on monday so we will see how that works out. I have noticed that since they started the daycare in July, Katie is trying to talk more and carson is by far a lot nicer and calmer..for a while there i was a little worried..he was always so angry and yelling - I that has stopped since we started the seay center. We went on vacation to was really great!! But the airplane ride there was my ultimate sign that I am done having kids...I thought Chad might hesitate, but he has already packed up all the kids stuff and given them to christine. Wow..what a small fortune that was!!