Sunday, October 31, 2010

trick or treat!!

Wow...what a weekend!! It has been a fun yet exhausting weekend for the kolb clan. Carson had a halloween parade/party at his school as well as trunk and treat - we decorated our car as cat in the hat and trina and I dressed up as thing 1 and thing 2 while diana dressed up as the cat in the hat.

Carson's Class dressed up as birthday presents for halloween

Well Lookie who it is...thing 1 and thing 2 and the cat in the hat!

and later that night we hit the town and went to the mothers group at church's fall festival.
Best Buds!!

Saturday chad was brave enough to take the 2 kids by himself to the arboretum while trina and i went to a girlfriends brunch. And today we tricked and treated at uncle rod's house.

It was a lot of fun...Carson had a BLAST!!! He has been anticipating halloween for the past 2 days and hasnt let go of the halloween bucket for the past few days. You say candy...and its like he is hypnotized. He'll kiss and hug anyone you tell him to..he will pick up his toys...and he will eat all his food. Its great!! And sometimes he gets so wrapped up in doing what you ask him to do that he forgets the whole candy bit! But this year...he went trick or treating with his cousins and his best friend matthew. He was SOOO excited to get started. He kept saying.."next house". and he was running like he was a born sprinter!! It was so nice and fun to watch him enjoy himself so much!!
On another note, carson got his evaluation back at school..which they said he is doing really well with adjusting but they still have to tell him not to wrestle with everyone at school...I WONDER who taught him that?!! Chad. I am really glad that we have so much family here! Its so awesome!!
The halloween Loot!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Season is here!!

Katie at 2 months!!

Carson with his Aunt mia!!
Halloween, Pumpkins and football!!! Fall season is here!! And we are LOVING it!! The weather is getting cooler but our allergies are KILLING us!! We went to gattitown and carson had a blast at thier halloween party. He got his face painted, ate pizza, and got lots of candy!! He didnt let go of his candy bag for days. I have a feeling that halloween is going to be carson's favorite holiday!!
Look who it is...its spiderman!!
we went to aunt tram's and uncle rod's pumpkin carving party this past sunday and had a blast!
Mrs. Potato Head pumpkin!
Carson holding mrs potato's head's hand!

we also went to the flower mound pumpkin patch...carson had a great time picking out a pumpkin, but before he picked out a pumpkin...I saw him stop and pull down his pants...And YES...he was about to pee in the pumpkin patch - chad had to pick him up quickly and take him to the porta potty. It was so funny.

Hide and go seek!!!

Wow, its so funny how carson leaves little "suprises" around the house!! But at least he tells me about them!!! This morning I went into carson's room and he was all smiles and had a pile full of books on his book. He said, "mommy..I pee peed!!" and I said, oh no.where did you pee pee at?? on your bed?? and he said, no mommy..I show you...I show you. I got a little nervous as he hopped off his bed...he then proceeds to go to the humidifer in his room and lifts up the top of it and viola...there it is...pee pee in the humidifer!! Who would have thought??!!! Christine and I took a sewing class tonight...very very basic...and what did we learn?? we learned that we dont know how to measure correctly and we dont know how to cut a straight line! lol Katie is getting so cute!! She is smiling a lot back at people and cooing!! She isnt crying AS much..but still crying a lot when she is awake. I have been dreading going back to work. I cant believe I go back nov 8th...its right around the corner!! Thinking about what schedule i want katie on and what will work best for carson.

Friday, October 15, 2010

look who's 2!!!

Look who's 2 months!!
Well...I cant believe it, Katie turned 2 months already. Boy how time flies!! She is sleeping pretty good, eatting ok and is awesome at crying for no reason!!

Say Cheese!!
She loves to be held...ALL THE TIME! Carson is getting used to her crying...I placed her in his lap the other day and she started to cry...carson proceeded to rock her and sing hush little baby!! lol No kidding!! He always gets excited when she's up...he'll run to me and say..mommy look...her eyes are open!!
I am trying to keep katie up during the day more, boy she was a sleeper...she slept all during the day, but the night was a different story! She's been smiling a lot more and cooing! We decided to nickname her tootie- man...can she lay a doozie!!
We have been staying busy...we went to the state fair, where carson dined on coney dogs, funnel cakes and chocolate milk!! he also played in the sand exhibit that was new at the fair!! boy did he have a great day!!!
Climbing mt everest...or so it seemed like at the time!

Carson started back at school 2 weeks ago, he is doing really well at adjusting. He is having a lot of fun with his aunt trina..but sure misses his grandma!! It seems like one day carson was my little baby and then the next..he grew up and suddenly was a toddler exerting his rights as a terrible two!! He is so lovable though..and always wants to help his daddy with the yard work! But boy...does he have an attitude!!
Daddy's little helper!!

"I did it!!"