Monday, May 31, 2010

Guess who got a new bed?!!

A brand new bunk bed for a big boy!!!!

After much thought and "talking"....chad and I decided it was time to get carson a new bed. I wanted to get him a full size bed- chad wanted to get him a twin size bed. In the end he got a bunk bed. But for right now we are using the top bunk for carson since it has the side rails already attached. Once he learns how not to move around so much then he will get an additional bunk bed put on.
Carson was so excited to be getting a new bed. He was even more excited to be able to help daddy put it together.

Carson helping dad carry the heavy mattress upstairs!

Daddy and Carson with their tools!! Carson was a big helper!!!

After 2 hours of hard work, Carson successfully took his afternoon nap in his BRAND NEW BED!!!

All pooped out!!!

However, right now its 9pm when carson's normal bedtime is 7:30pm. He is still wide awake and crying that he doesnt want to sleep in his bed. Boy does Chad have his work cut out for him this week to train carson to sleep in his bed without getting up!
After Carson's nap, we went to visit nin-nin for Papa D's birthday! I made a carrot cake for him and it was delicious and moist!!! Carson was swimming the whole time we were there. He loved the water and was fearless on the water slide! He had a blast!!

Carson swimming with Titi

And to top the day off...his auntie Christine came over to visit and he had fun chasing her around the house and dancing the night away!

san antonio -memorial day weekend

Well, we wanted to go on one last family outing with just the 3 of us, we wanted to have a little fun with just carson...before the little girl comes along in august. It was a great time! The drive wasnt so bad at all. carson was sleeping for a good part of it. The first day we got into san antonio around 5ish. We stayed at the Emily Morgan Hotel, which was really nice. It was located right next door to the alamo and 2 blocks from the riverwalk.


We went to eat dinner at a mexican restaurant on the riverwalk and the Carson had a blast listening to the band. Daddy even paid them $10 for them to play one song for carson. He was dancing and all smiles!


The next day we went to Sea World...Carson really got into the show, compared to just a month ago at florida. He got excited when he saw the whales jump out of the water. We didnt really ride many rides there, but there was a water park there as well and Daddy and Carson played and splashed in the the wave pool and the water slides.


Carson chillin with the sea lions!

Carson really liked the water, even though he went under water at times...he didnt want to leave the water park. He kept trying to run away from us and jump in the pool. They played at the water park for 2 hours in the scorching hot!! It was close to 100 degrees outside!!

I being 7 months pregnant felt like a beached whale...trying to hide in the shade. Boy, I was sweating out of every pore on my body!! Carson and Daddy were worn out and we went to the hotel to take a nap before meeting up with Chad's buddy victor. On Sunday we went to the outlet mall in san marcos!! That was mommy's favorite part!

(what can be better than that?!)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

First communion and Jayson's birthday!!

What an eventful weekend it was... Jimmy received first communion - can I get a hallalejua! I am so proud of uncle rodney for following through with all the classes and pushing little jimmy!
It was so funny, when jimmy was going up to receive first communion and drink the wine, he asked the lady that was holding the wine...Do I have to drink all of it?! lol. How cute is that.
We also celebrated Jayson's birthday -he turned one! He had lots of party guests and had a lot of fun! Stephanie did a great job putting it all together.

We went to the metromom event this morning - it was a lot of fun. we went to this venue called going bonkers. It had tons of climbing things for carson...Chad went up with carson and towards the end of the event - chad was exhausted. Carson was pooped out as well but had a wonderful time. Carson won the tot obstacle course and Chad won the dad a thon where he had to change a baby dolls diaper with one hand behind his back, drink 2 oz of water from a bottle and then remove the diaper and place it on a plate. He did great!!!

As for was no contest for the hula hoop contest- with this big bump in front of me..I did good for lasting a minute!! But it was fun none the less.

Afterwards, Carson decided he wanted to try out his new birthday present that the wang family gave him...a cool swimming playarea!! He LOVED it!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mothers day weekend!!

What a beautiful weekend it was! I cant believe I have been a mommy for 2 years already! I was just telling chad that I dont remember what life was like before Carson. Being a mother has been one of the best gifts!

Carson getting ready for mothers day luncheon
Christine helped chad and carson pick out a beautiful purple dress for me on mothers day along with one of my favorite themed cards hoops and yoyo! We started the morning out celebrating mothers day at diana with breakfast at her house and ended up at uncle rod's house for family dinner. We usually celebrate everyone's birthday on their birthday weekend, but for the past 2 has been really busy busy busy and we havent gotten a chance to celebrate everyone's birthdays. So sunday we celebrated 7 birthdays!! Talk about cake overload!!

Happy Birthday!!